Terms & Conditions
Desire Packaging Terms and Conditions
Address: Desire Packaging 10685-B Hazelhurst, Houston
The following are the terms and conditions highlighting the regulations for accessing the website.
When you visit our website, you are accepting all the terms and conditions stated. The terms and conditions phrasing of using the words ‘Customer,’ ‘You,’ and ‘Your’ indicates the person who accepts the terms and conditions on behalf of your company. The words like ‘Party’ and ‘Us’ direct to Desire Packaging and our clients.
Acceptance of Cookies
When you visit our website, you are agreeing to the use of cookies. The cookies let us gain information about the visitors and allow us to make the site easy to use.
Our License
The ownership of content on the website is held by Deire Packaging and its right holder. Those who visit our site are only permitted to use the material to view and print for personal use. Desire Packaging does not allow individuals to:
- Copy our content
- Sell or rent our content
- Repost material from our website
- Take ownership of our content
- Share content without permission- unless necessary
Linking our Content
Desire Packaging only allows Government Agencies, News Organizations, and Search Engines to link to our website. The following can hyperlink to our website only if the purpose is to inform.
Any organization other than the mentioned or other online distributors should ask for our permission. To grant the consent, we look at the reason behind the linking to our content. If Desire Packaging is satisfied that the cause will benefit, be in our favor, and give us a positive image, the request is accepted.
For linking our website, we must be informed first. Contact us on our website with the name of your association, the URL to your website, and all valuable information.
Request for Links Removal
Contact us if you find content on our site that does not suit the objective of our business. Desire Packaging takes in feedback from clients and will remove them. However, our policy states that we are not bound to respond to you directly.
Content Responsibility
Desire Packaging does not take responsibility for harmful or unlawful content appearing on your website. You agree to protect us from claims by accepting these terms and conditions.
Desire Packaging provides assurances about our services within the lines of the law. We are not responsible if the website is not up to your standards. There are some things that we do not exclude. These include:
- Responsibility for death or injury.
- Rules that should be mentioned
- Claims that are lies