Custom Cigar Boxes
Cigar Boxes
Smoking cigars is a tradition and has been related to a symbol of class. The tobacco itself is of fine quality; therefore, it deserves packaging that suits its worth. Taking cigars out to smoke from custom cigar boxes elevates the whole experience to the highest caliber. Desire Packaging tailors customized cigar boxes that align with the status of the product through the creativity of their team. Our clients are presented with a list of mixed customization options from where they can pick and choose the elements for the boxes. We take full commitment to supplying the most exquisite custom cardboard cigar boxes that will make your brand the choice for high-end clients.
Pleasuring Types of Custom Cigar Boxes
Desir Packaging comes to you with four distinct cigar custom boxes.
Kraft Cigar Boxes
Kraft cigar boxes will be customized with the brand’s signature. They are eco-friendly and inexpensive.
Cardboard Cigar Boxes
These customized cigar boxes are made of cardboard on the outside and have padded material inside to keep the cigars fresh.
Rigid Custom Cigar Boxes
Introducing another unique customized box for cigars that has a rigid material, allowing them to include an elegant touch to their boxes.
Corrugated Cigar Boxes
Your ideal pick for presentation and visuals. Corrugated has the capability of keeping the cigars fresh.
The Shipping Process
The customized boxes for cigar production are started after we have gathered the details. It takes us up to two weeks to prepare batches of high-quality personal cigar boxes and be on your doorstep. Furthermore, the delivery is made through safe channels so the product arrives safely without being deteriorated.
Is There a Return Policy?
Desire Packaging gives you a week’s time to make a return. After the given seven days have passed, no returns of the custom cigar boxes can be made. However, we can assure you that our customization services are so well done that there will be no chance of refunds and returns!
Can Custom Cigar Boxes be Dyed?
There is not a customization service that Desire Packaging can not do. In our customization services, you can dye the materials of custom cigar boxes in any color that suits the bad. To give a run-through of our process, read the following.
Custom cigar boxes create a sophisticated impression of the brand to current clients, increasing customer loyalty and potential customers, and growing the network. Protect your cigars, brand image, and quality with custom cigar boxes and Desire Packaging as your supplier. Additionally, with Desire Packaging, delivery will be on time, and no returns are guaranteed!
Our Cigar Boxes are crafted to provide a premium packaging solution that not only preserves the freshness and quality of cigars but also enhances their presentation for retailers and enthusiasts alike. With elegant designs and secure closures, these boxes offer a sophisticated way to showcase and protect your products. If you’re looking for versatile and practical packaging options, explore our Cardboard Boxes. Designed to accommodate a wide range of products, these boxes are durable and customizable, making them perfect for various industries. Together, our cigar and cardboard boxes deliver comprehensive packaging solutions that meet diverse needs.
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The quality is outstanding exactly what I wanted and a perfect gift for my groomsman. I’d rate it a 10 out of 10 and highly recommend it for weddings or birthday presents